Life Cycle Engineering Spa (LCE) was constituted in 2012 as innovative start-up from the over 15-year operative Life Cycle Engineering-Studio Ingegneri Associati (an engineering professional association) to launch new software solutions and operate more efficiently in the sustainability consultancy. LCE is a fully independent Research & Consulting SME providing LCA, eco-design, environmental communication and related software tools at international level. LCE undertakes educational activities in LCA and eco-design as well, regularly offering company seminars and higher education for post lauream Master courses. LCE is based in Italy with offices in Turin and Venice and has relevant experience in European and International projects (i.e. INCO, CRAFT, INTERREG, LIFE, GROWTH and, recently, sevenH2020 projects).
In LIFE HI4S, LCE is involved to ensure that environmental sustainability is considered properly, collecting and analysing data to calculate the environmental burden of the new solution with a life-cycle approach and providing results and benchmarks compliant with international standards. LCE is also in charge of evaluating if the project meets sustainability criteria from a social and economic point of view by performing a life cycle costing analysis (LCC) and a socio-economic assessment. Finally, it will contribute to dissemination and networking, including among others project identity design; website and social media development, update and maintenance; joint workshop with other LIFE beneficiaries on project’s impacts assessment.